End The Year On A High With The New Moon In Capricorn

The warrior asteroid Pallas Athena is ready to rumble and do anything to come out ahead. It’ll energize the new moon and push us to reach extraordinary heights. We won’t stop until we climb every mountain and follow every rainbow. There isn’t anything we can’t achieve. We’re winners! The only caveat is that three planets are retrograde: Mars, Jupiter and Uranus. This isn’t a red flag; it’s just something to consider with caution. The retrogrades can slow the situation down, resulting in a restless waiting game. But we shouldn’t let that bring us down. Have patience with yourself and the universe. As stated above, our goals might take a hot minute to be met but that doesn’t mean we should give up on them. It’ll just take a bit longer to manifest, which is okay. We will appreciate the fruits of our labor more as a result. We got this! 

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