I realized my oily skin was causing all sorts of trouble—especially with hyperpigmentation and dark spots. Skipping sunscreen and proper skincare definitely didn’t help. But as I’ve gotten older, I’ve made it a priority to take better care of my skin and look for solutions that go deeper than just quick fixes. A friend recommended that I take Turmeric supplements, specifically ones from the brand Jinka, to help. I then decided to embark on a little experiment to see if turmeric could transform my skin within 30 days.
For those that don’t know, turmeric comes from the same plant family as ginger. It has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, can help reduce inflammation, fight free radicals, and even your skin tone. It’s also been shown to improve collagen production, which supports skin elasticity and helps maintain a youthful glow. Adding turmeric capsules to my daily routine felt like a simple enough adjustment.
Below for more of my experience with the supplements for a month.
The first week
My skin is prone to occasional hormonal breakouts. Within the first few days, I noticed a subtle change in how my skin felt. While I couldn’t yet pinpoint a visible difference, there was an undeniable smoothness—like my skin’s texture was gearing up for something better.
The second week
My usual redness around my cheeks had started to fade, and the annoying pimple that had been brewing on my cheek seemed to back off without its usual dramatic entrance. My girlfriends even commented on how “well-rested” I looked (mind you, I’ve been getting the same amount of sleep). The real star, though, was how hydrated my skin appeared. It was as if the turmeric capsules had flipped a switch and said, “let’s give her that glow.”
The third week
This week came with a bit of a curveball. I experienced a minor purge — a few blemishes went away, mostly along my cheeks due to ingrown hairs. I stuck it out, doubling down on water intake and reminding myself that this skin wasn’t built in a day. Besides, the rest of my skin continued to thrive, with a brightness that even my trusty highlighter couldn’t replicate.
The final week
By the end of the month, I was sold. My complexion had never looked more even, and the stubborn hyperpigmentation spots that usually overstayed their welcome had started to fade. Beyond aesthetics, my skin felt stronger, less reactive, and healthier. It wasn’t just my face, either—I noticed softer skin on my body, too. Who knew that one little capsule could pack such a punch?
Taking the capsules felt like an easy, approachable way to support my skin from the inside out. The fact that it’s vegan and made with clean ingredients? That’s just the cherry on top. If you’re looking to enhance your skincare routine beyond the serums and creams, incorporating Jinka supplements could be the move. Just remember, consistency is key, and results won’t happen overnight. But trust me, your skin will thank you.